Devils Lake Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Updates
As many lake residents may recall, grass carp were once used to control the overgrowth of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in Devils Lake. However, most if not all of the sterile planted grass carp have died since the latest planting in 1993. Current State regulations prevent the re-introduction of these fish as a biological control in Devils Lake. Recent monitoring suggests some SAV regrowth has begun, primarily in shallower areas where sunlight reaches the bottom of the lake. DLWID is currently working on an SAV plan which will outline options to manage submerged aquatic plants in the greater lake area. In addition, DLWID will be posting an updated Aquatic Plant Survey later this fall which will re-evaluate SAV volume and locations. Currently, property owners may maintain shoreline and areas around their in-water structures (docks, lifts, and boathouses).
The State of Oregon through the Department of State Lands owns and regulates the bottom of Devils Lake. Regulations allow for maintenance of in water property which includes control of SAV using approved methods that do not remove or place fill in the water. The most effective approved methods include but are not limited to: mechanical harvesting boats which cut the vegetation and remove it from the water, weed cutting rakes, water blades, and weed rollers. In the upcoming months DLWID will be posting information and resources regarding SAV, please check and our social media outlets for the latest updates.
In 2023, the District began mechanical harvesting of the lake weeds. Over the course of the summer, crews worked daily to cut and remove elodea that was causing many issues throughout the lake. In addition to the mechanical harvester, 5,000 grass carp were added to the lake - elodea is one of thier favorite snacks. Fast forward to 2024 and two lake surveys, elodea is almost nowhere to be found and the lake was in great condition for the summer and for recreation. The District monitors the lake and will provide additional updates for the upcoming recreational season of 2025 with hopes of another great summer.