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Board Meeting

Call to Order
Steve Brown, Secretary/Treasurer, called the Devils Lake Water Improvement District Regular
Business Meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. in compliance with ORS Chapter 192 due to COVID-19
Roll Call
Directors Present: Steve Brown, Mitch Moore and Robb Ellis, who took the Oath of Office earlier
Absent: Tina French and Kathy Kremer
Lake Manager/Executive Director: Josh Brainerd
Approval of Consent Agenda
a. Minutes from Previous Meetings
Steve Brown motioned, “To accept the minutes from August 13, 2020 as presented as the
September meeting was cancelled due to wildfires in the area.”
Mitch Moore seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved.
b. Financial Report
Steve Brown motioned, “To approve the financial report as presented.”
Robb Ellis seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved.
Public Comments
No public comments were presented.
Committee Reports
Special Projects/Events and Communications
Action Item
Update on recent and upcoming events
BB Camp Concert on the Lake
Mitch Moore suggested to move the concert to the swimming area as a better area
for social distancing.
Fishing Derby
Wood Duck nesting box project

Save our Shoreline and Water Monitoring
Josh Brainerd said he has spoken to Stephany Reed, from the City on support with the
vegetation around the lake and the responsibility especially with a limited budget. A workshop will be
scheduled in the future.
Action Items
Boy Scouts Water Gardens Projects
New Shoreline Restoration Projects
Plant Sale
District Projects and Operations
Communications Report
Quarterly Newsletter
Eric Johnson, Public Information Officer sent out a quarterly newsletter.
Social Media Activity
Eric Johnson, Public Information Officer has created Social Media Activity and Policy as public
record. Eric sent out a press release to recognize Josh as the newly accredited certified lake manager
from North American Lake Management Society, posted on face book, which has 648+ followers, posted
the water quality report, and sent out a newsletter on the aerator and the quality of the water at the
Devils Lake Conservation/Aeration Project
System is up to date on annual maintenance and functioning without issue.
Devils Lake Aquatic Vegetation Management
Parrot Feather Update
Josh Brainerd said he is getting input on getting rid of it plus lake vegetation outreach efforts.
Eric Johnson will be putting public information out on what is happening.
Lincoln City Canal work
Action Item
Grass Carp Regulations
There is a call out to fish biologists for case management control.
Airstream Pro Shoreline Aerator
The unit is functioning, and the District plans to redeploy it as resources allow. The unit is not in the
water yet.
Devils Lake Flood Protection
DLWID has submitted the dredging permit application for the D River to the U.S. Army Corp, Oregon
DEQ, and Oregon Dept. of State Lands. We are awaiting their review before the Federal Review process
can be initiated.

Action Items
Thompson Creek Monitoring continues no new turbidity events have been reported since the last
meeting. DLWID staff and volunteers surveyed the area with our drone. We were unable to visualize
the creek immediately north of the East Devils Lake Road due to heavy tree cover and the intermittent
nature of Thompson Creek. We did however obtain aerial images of the creek as it enters Devils Lake.
The dialog with regulatory agencies continues as we search for the source of the high turbidity events in
the Thompson Creek waterway.
Water Quality Briefing
Exceedingly high clarity in most parts of Devils lake with visibility beyond 10’ in some areas.
We continue to see positive dissolved oxygen trends on the lake bottom of more than 98% saturation.
Some increased minor algae growth is present but does not appear problematic currently. Most of the
consolidated algae appears to be wind driven. We continue to see a significant decline in the amount
algae in the lake since the installation of the lake bottom aeration system. Water temps have receded
and are at approximately 68 degrees F. Typically, August and September produce the heaviest
concentrations of algae as the lake waters warm to over 75 degrees F and our rainfall decreases.
New Business
Action Items
New board member signing of oath
Robb Ellis took the oath of office and signed the oath of office prior to this meeting.
Public poll regarding districts resources and responsibilities
Eric Johnson is working on getting questions put together and sent out to the members for their
input on what they want in the poll that will be sent out.
SDAO Safety and Security Grant
Josh Brainerd commented that he is working on grants that are available for the district.
USDA Invasive Species Program
Mitch Moore commented that the eel grass is not that bad of a problem and is good for fish
food. Mitch emailed to the Board members a list of species found in the Lake.
Federal CRF Grant Awards
This Grant is available to use for media service due to the COVID-19 virus restrictions.
Non-Agenda Items
Action Items
Emergency Planning
Josh Brainerd commented that Eric Johnson did a great job getting district operation
information out during the last month about what was happening on and around the lake.
Steve Brown adjourned the DLWID Regular Business Meeting at 7:53 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Joann Glass, Recorder

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